My friend's daughter Malia was turning one. Gabe told me that he called his Malia his little monkey which was the theme/inspiration for this cake.
There are a ton of fun ideas that we came across. I started off making these little bananas, but after about 20 of them it started to get a little tedious! I started off by making closed bananas and with scissors just cut it half way and then split one of the halves to create the peeled banana. To make it not just a peel, I then added a piece that was 1/2 or 1/3 of a full banana. To make them more realistic, spots were added.
In addition to the cake, we also made four dozen cupcakes. They were then topped with bananas and these monkey faces. My friends really loved the eyelashes.
The monkey faces were placed vertically into the cupcakes with two additional circles placed in as hands to make them look like they were peaking over the frosting.