Source: via Cari on Pinterest
My good friend's birthday was coming up so I thought these would be perfect for her. Below is my rendition of the Pinterest post.
The Cupcakes:
Strawberry Cupcakes with a Strawberry Buttercream frosting from the book Martha Stewart's Cupcakes
The cupcakes are delicious as they come out light and fluffy. The recipe calls for fresh strawberries in both the cake and frosting which adds to the amazing flavor. I've made these cupcakes twice, but for this occasion my friend Nicole actually did most of the mixing, I just helped prep by cutting the strawberries and measuring some of the ingredients. If anyone is interested in the recipe let me know and i'll email it to you as i'm not sure if I can just post it . .
The Decorations:
We only decorated a dozen cupcakes. The rest of the cupcakes we had were miniature cupcakes and all we did was pipe frosting on the tops.
- gum paste
- fondant
- gold paint
- white luster dust
- pearlized sprinkles
1. Covering the Cupcakes
I used Wilton's pre made and pre colored fondant to keep the process simple. Using a biscuit cutter I cut 6x blue and 6 pink rounds. Adding a little frosting I technically "dirty iced" the cupcakes and then added the fondant. (Note depending on the design, you may want to cover the cupcake last.)
I added three designs to the fondant
- Chandelier - This was by no means drawn by hand. I used a stamp, made an impression into the fondant and then filled it in with gold paint. This is one of the designs you want to do before putting the fondant onto the cupcake to ensure you get a nice impression.
- Gold Leaves - The gold leaves were done free hand, however i'm sure if you didn't feel as confident there are available stamps/patterns.
- Quilt - Sorry I don't have a larger picture of the quilt pattern. Essentially, this is just a grid drawn out on the fondant as dotted lines. Pearlized sprinkles are added where horizontal and vertical lines cross.
3. Dimensional Art
Roses, blossom and pearls were the main focal points.
- Roses - The roses were done by hand with no cutters. Using gum paste pre-made by Wilton I started with a flat oval piece and rolled it loosely to form the center of the flower. Additional ovals were made to form the individual pedals. As you can see, I did modify the pinks to add color depth.
- Blossoms - I used the blossom cutters from the Wilton Gum Paste Flower Cutter Set which has three different sizes. The pearlized sprinkles were then used for the centers for white blossoms. These cutters made the process to make these super quick.
- Pearls - Even easier than the blossoms, these are just fondant rolled into balls with enchanted with luster dust. The hardest thing about this might just be breaking off consist pieces to make the pearls all the same size.
Though this is a brief overview hopefully it was helpful in deconstructing the process behind these beautiful and elegant cupcakes.
Nicole I had a blast making these with you. Celeste we're so happy that you loved these cupcakes.
Nicole I had a blast making these with you. Celeste we're so happy that you loved these cupcakes.
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