Before I start . . . let me tell you that on this #Baconday, I have never had a food coma like this EVER. We celebrated two things here . . Jocelyn's belated birthday (because on her real birthday, she was in Tulum, Mexico eating white truffle fettucini) and Tiffany's Farewell lunch. And if you know these ladies . . you know they can eat. You can check out their blogs here:
- Jocelyn absolutely LOVES bacon. She not only will eat it, but will incorporate it into whatever she can. I can't even tell you how many different bacon dishes she knows or has made all at once for one meal. Ask her about that one Thanksgiving.
- We work in Advertising and Media specifically so we have to stay up to date with what's trending and relevant.
- Jocelyn HATES/FEARS birds
Bacon Carmel
I went online and found a recipe from for a bacon salted caramel brownie. I didn't follow this recipe exactly, but I followed steps 1-2 to make the bacon caramel (obviously i doubled the bacon amount). I want to add that my kitchen smelled amazing . . because it smelled like bacon (I also am I huge fan of bacon)
For the brownie, I used the Martha Stewart for her Fudgy Chocolate Brownies, but before baking, some of the bacon caramel was poured and mixed into the brownie.
Bacon Roses
This came to mind as Jocelyn had recently showed me an image of Bacon Roses. Essentially, I rolled the bacon and baked them. I even tried cutting the edges to make the appearance of petals . . but it didn't really make a difference. If you're really into making the perfect bacon roses, check out how Instructables did it.
Not only on Bacon day did I have my Bacon Carmel Brownies drizzled with warm burnt bacon carmel with Bacon Rose Buds, but I went to eat lunch at PPQ Dungenuss Island where among 5 petite women we had, 2 large crabs, 2 different orders of chicken, 2 bowls of garlic noodles and an order of imperial rolls (Joce . . . let me know if i missed something). Not only that . . . but we stopped by PurpleKow where you get milk tea, in gigantic bowls not cups. Here are some pictures of our lunch!